
How to Get Forms to File for Child Custody

The overall process of seeking custody of your child represents a complicated legal matter. On the other hand, the initial step of obtaining the forms needed for obtaining child custody is relatively simple. The vast majority of courts in the United States maintain self-service centers and other resources designed to assist people involved in family law-related matters to commence and pursue cases, according to the American Bar Association Section of Family Law.

Step 1
Go to the clerk of the court in the county where you reside or where an existing divorce, Rift Gold paternity or legal separation case is on file. The court clerk typically is located in the main courthouse building.

Step 2
Request the packet of standard forms needed to pursue a child custody case. RIFT Platinum The primary forms include a motion for custody and child support guidelines and worksheet.

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Step 3
Obtain the instructions for completing these forms from the court clerk.

Step 4
Request a fee schedule at the same time. RIFT Platinum Some courts require the payment of a filing fee for custody motions.

