When I walked into my local Brooklyn Starbucks one mid-December morning, I wasn't expecting to get a New Year's Eve date. But as a recently minted 33-year-old with chronic No Boyfriend Disease, RIFT Platinum I did have a goal. Not only to get caffeinated, but also to test out a few pick-up tricks from the dating how-to guide I was reading, Date Like a Man, by Myreah Moore and Jodie Gould. In it, they assert coffee chains were "the Mecca for thousands of hyped-up singles." lemondrop: How I Finally Got Over Only Liking Guys Who Never Called Me Back
This morning's outing was actually part of an even grander experiment; to read a different dating book every month for a year, rift gold taking the advice to see if I, whose "relationships" typically expired before the Half and Half in my fridge, could find lasting love in the city of barstool make-outs and three single women for every unmarried man.
So, when I walked in and saw among the couples not one but two members of the rare Brooklyn male species Bachelorus availobolus, unencumbered by stroller or nearby female, I quickly put my newspaper down in the seat across from them. lemondrop: Find True Love (And 11 Other Things You Can Do Over A Coffee Break)
When I returned from getting my coffee, as I sat and re-read for the seventh time a line about a goat in a version of polo played in Afghanistan I tried to think. RIFT Platinum What were those non-verbal flirting cues Myreah told me about? I could flip my hair (currently tied in a rubber band), expose my supposedly "erotic" wrists, massage my neck (a no-go in my turtleneck), twirl something cylindrical (revealing my subconscious desires),Rift Gold let a shoe sexily dangle off the back of my heel (impossible as I was in double-knotted cross-trainers) or cross my legs, point one foot in his direction and let it swing, because "thrusting is a courting signal." lemondrop: Decode Any Guy in Seconds