
Even with the NFL in lockout mode, the taxpayers in Erie County, N.Y., still have to keep paying the Buffalo Bills for their stadium expenses. Rift Gold

Even if that stadium doesn't host a game this season.

The Bills are set to receive $640,000 from the county on May 1, part of a quarterly payment the team -- as the stadium tenant -- receives for upkeep and game-day expenses. RIFT Platinum Ralph Wilson Stadium
CAPTIONBy Kevin Hoffman, US Presswire
The Buffalo News shined a light on the payments, which total $4.01 million for the current fiscal year.

Bills team treasurer Jeffrey C. Littman told the Buffalo News that the team will not charge the county for game-day expenses if the lockout forces a cancellation of the 2011 season. rift gold But he said the team expects payment from the county for the day-to-day stadium costs that are written into the lease agreement.

Those payments total about $2.5 million, 62% of the yearly commitment.

The payments could foreshadow financial problems for NFL teams and their partners -- as well as a major public relations issue for the league -- if the lockout extends into August, when preseason games are scheduled to begin.

Thousands of workers across the country depend on the 10 games each NFL team hosts as part of the income. Lost games will mean lost wages as stadiums sit idle and workers lie fallow.

The NFL revealed the preseason schedule this week and is expected to release the regular season schedule soon.RIFT Platinum NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has consistently said he expects to reach a labor agreement that will allow the 2011 season to take place.

Goodell and other NFL officials began court-ordered mediation with the NFL Players Association on Thursday.

