The Republic of Palau is a chain of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean. After gaining independence in 1994,rift gold Palau established a temporary capital on Koror Island. In 2006 Palau established a new capital at Melekeok on Babelthuap Island.
Palau is part of the island group known as Micronesia, which is in the Pacific region called Oceania. Palau includes about 340 small islands. Babelthuap is the largest island. Koror Island is much smaller, but most of the country’s people live there. Raised ridges of coral called coral reefs surround the islands. Palau has a hot climate with heavy rain.
Plants and Animals
Grasslands and rain forests cover Babelthuap Island. Coconut palm trees grow throughout Palau. More than 350 kinds of coral and 1,400 types of fish live in Palau’s waters. The islands’ colorful birds include Palau doves and Palau fantails.
Most of the islanders are Palauans. Filipinos and other Asians form the next largest group. Palauan and English are the main languages. Christianity is the main religion.
Tourism and fishing are important parts of Palau’s economy. Many people work for the government. Others make clothing or crafts. Small farms produce root vegetables and eggs.
Palau’s first settlers came from Indonesia,rift gold the Philippines, New Guinea, and other Pacific islands more than 2,000 years ago. Spanish explorers arrived in 1543. In 1899 Spain sold the islands to Germany. Japan seized Palau at the start ofWorldWar I (1914–18). The United States took Palau from Japan duringWorldWar II (1939–45). Palau became an independent country in 1994.