
Wii U can do anything PS3 and 360 can - E

Wii U is likely to be capable of doing anything PS3 or Xbox 360 can, according to EA, which recently received new development kits for Nintendo's console. Vice president Andrew Wilson told Eurogamer the publisher now has a slightly better idea of Wii U's power and it hopes it's even more capable than Microsoft's and Sony's systems."I think that's our hope, but again we're still in the early stages," he said. "As every new piece of hardware and every new development library comes through we get a greater understanding of the power. With our early research we had been very happy with the output of the box and we expect that that will only go up moving forward."It's still moving," Wilson added, "but I think we'll be able to do anything that we can do on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on the Wii U."Asked about the Wii U's online capabilities, Wilson said he couldn't disclose much because EA's NDAd up to the eyeballs."[Online is] something that we're working very closely with Nintendo on. We are highlighting to them what we believe are the most important elements to that infrastructure to deliver a connected experience that we think is the future of gaming. "We're working through the development with them now," he added. "We have a series of people who are under very strict NDAs as you can imagine, operating with them, building that system out." He also said FIFA 13 may be a Wii U launch title, but ultimately that decision will rest with Nintendo.While publishers and developers are still attempting to work out the technical capabilities of Wii U, Aliens: Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever developer Gearbox has described the plarmtt as a "stop-gap" between this generation of consoles and the next.


