Pok閙on Black/White director Junichi Masuda has said the prominence of realistic violent games at this year's E3 show saddened him, and the similarity between titles gives him a "sense of crisis"."This year, FPS war games were trend!! A lot of splatter scenes!! Blood spread everywhere. Shooting a lot, killing a lot," he noted in a blog post about his findings at E3. "The game developer seems get used to 'kill' the target. Therefore, I felt 'how to kill' became a focus of developing game. For that reason, target become zombie and alien..." he added in his own (gladly rmtey comprehendible) version of English. Masuda goes on to express his disappointment at the prominence of these realistic violent games. "These targets' savage attack and human counterattacks... It became savage contents and you never know. Mmm... It is the player who choose the game to play. As a game creator, it is little sad!" he said. "Majority of the games look like a same game," Masuda added. "There were little of original games. I felt a sense of crisis with above part."Pok閙on Black/White cruised past the two million sales mark in the US within just two weeks on sale. So the overwhelming similarity between Pok閙on titles over the years isn't a concern, then.